Jeanie Anderson, received her Traditional Naturopath Degree from Trinity School of Natural Healing. As a Natural Health Professional, her certifications include Natural & Emotional Healing, Total Body Modification, Energy System Maintenance, Structural & Body Work, Nutrition & Herbology, Hormone Healing and a life time of experience.
Jeanie’s journey into natural health began after being involved in a serious automobile accident. The medical system did their job of metal plating her broken bones, stitching the multiple cuts and providing Physical Therapy. After she was done with their treatments, she still struggled with walking and how to use an arm that she discovered was rotated too far to the left and metal plated that way and would never be normal. At this time she was led to many different alternative practitioners which taught her how to help herself. The degrees and certifications she has received, are due to her adventure. With all she has learned, she was able to gain more movement in her ankle and walk normal. Adhesion’s began to break loose in her clavicle and shoulder leaving her with more range of motion in her arm and scar tissue is barely noticeable.