Learning How to Stop Knee Pain

Learning how to stop knee pain can be a very long and frustrating process with constant messages of “use it or lose it,” “pain is weakness leaving the body,” and “Just do it!” echoing in your head.

Yet the more you try to push the knee out of pain the more knee pain you find yourself in.

Before we get any further in the “how-to” stop knee pain, it’s recommended to do your due diligence to make sure nothing in your knee is broken or torn. 

A doctor’s diagnosis is crucial in this process to understand exactly what you’re dealing with to establish the proper strategy to stop knee pain.

The dynamics of finding out if something is broken or torn in your knee has changed with the introduction of “social distancing”

We can begin learning if the pain can be relieved by changing the neurological signaling in the knee, by getting the pressure off the nerves causing the pain.

Understanding that knee pain is often caused by nerve irritation 

(tiny little nerves the width of an eyelash in your knee being squeezed sending a signal to your brain that you have knee pain) 

We can begin taking initial steps to determine whether this is the underlying cause of pain in your case.

By getting the pressure off those nerves causing the knee pain, and relief is only moments away.

A more comprehensive understanding of how the pain has affected your mind, emotions, and body physically resulting in your knee pain may be required for maximum relief.

When the body feels pain, there is a sympathetic nervous system response (aka fear/tension) so the body tenses up to protect itself from the pain, as well as the physiological experience of the pain itself.

We can use the example of a car getting in an accident to better understand what is happening in the body, leg, and knee.

Just before impact, you jam on the brakes in anticipation of the coming impact. Even after impact, there’s a good chance the pressure is still on the brakes because of the fear. If you were to press the gas at any point after the impact, the car still has imprinted in the frame the impact of the accident. The car may drive however the “tension pattern” from the impact will now alter how the car moves, turns and backs up on into the future until the frame is straightened out.

The human body functions in a similar way after a knee injury.

The big difference in comparison to a car is the self-corrective mechanisms each human body possesses, regardless of diagnosis or how long the body has been in pain.

It’s a huge advantage over a car that’s in need of a mechanic and/or a body shop!

Structure governs function – This is an osteopathic concept, meaning if the bones are not in the correct place the rest of the body can’t do its job correctly (like the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fluid, and fascia).

By bringing awareness to the areas experiencing the most pain and teaching the nerves how to “let go” in these areas. The nervous system is able to allow the movement of the pain through the leg and out the body through comfort.

It’s quite the opposite of what you’ve been used to and opens up a new realm of infinite possibilities for the body to stop knee pain and heal the knee.

Let us help… 

We have experience with the osteopathic concept of structure governing function and have uncovered methods for supporting the body’s ability to return to a place of balance — homeostasis.

Click join “the Comella Foundation” weekly newsletter and feel free to reach out to us today, for a complimentary consultation.

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donald j cahn
donald j cahn
4 years ago

I am 72, work 45 to 50 hours a week as aChef, ride horses, hike fairly difficult terrain with no meniscus in my knee. the pain is manageable most of the time but at night it is more difficult. short of knee surgery is there an alternative to give me relief? thank you, Don Cahn

Ella Petrossian
4 years ago

I had knee surgery 2 months ago, but my pain is still there and getting worse what can i do?

Kirk Anderson
Kirk Anderson
4 years ago

Hi Don: I’m 70 years old. In 1976, on a chilly night I tried to put the palm of my hands on
the ground without bending my legs. I heard a noise; kind of like a pop or maybe a tear of
some kind. My left knee has hurt non-stop but only when I’m not standing up (i.e., when there
is no pressure on it). I had 2 arthroscopic surgeries in 1991 and 1992. The surgeon could find
nothing wrong. I toss and turn every night because of the pain. I was thinking of going to a
Chiropractor for help, but I’m not sure that type of treatment would help. Something on the
right side of my left knee and curving under the knee (that general area), popped or got
stretched too far. Would it be worth going to a Chiropractor, or would it be a waste of money?
I don’t have insurance for this, so I would have to pay out of my own pocket. Thank you in
advance for your help!

Elysa Rochin
Elysa Rochin
4 years ago

I’m an college athlete. I’m still staying active during this time period at home almost everyday. I’ve been experiencing my knee hurting on the side of my knee cap every now and then. What can I do to help or make it stop?

Elysa Rochin
Elysa Rochin
4 years ago
Reply to  Bill Parravano

No, this is my first time having knee aching and pain

Guadalupe castillo
Guadalupe castillo
3 years ago
Reply to  Elysa Rochin

My first time geting this pain it started Friday it wasn’t as bad as now
What can I do my foo ttis sowl

Guadalupe castillo
Guadalupe castillo
3 years ago

Around my knee

Deborah Vaught
Deborah Vaught
4 years ago

What can be done to help inflammation on the knee?

Amy Herrinton
Amy Herrinton
4 years ago

I have a colorful medical past to put it lightly, but because of nerve damage, I’ve had to relearn how to walk several times. My last time learning, I learned to walk while locking one of my knees. Said knee has joint inflammation… Is there something you can recommend other than taking an anti-inflammatory?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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