Movement Medicine for Pain Relief with A. Paul Dawdy

Show Notes:

A. Paul Dawdy’s contact information:

The following are links to more information about the topics covered in this podcast:

Charles Poliquin

Tae Kwon Do

Kenpo Karate

Systema – the Russian Martial Art


GMB Fitness – Gold Medal Bodies

Tony Schwartz – The Power of Full Engagement

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Full Transcript

Hello, it’s Bill, the Knee Pain Guru with the Comella Foundation supporting the Pain Education Podcast. Today, we have a good friend of mine. We actually go way back in martial arts. We train system together, which is a Russian martial art. I have been following his Facebook feed for some time now, and seeing how he’s really gotten into a movement aspect of healing, there’s more to it than just movement, I know, but that’s why I wanted to introduce my good friend, Anthony, Paul Dawdy. Welcome, Paul, would you share a little bit about your history and how you got into everything you’re doing right now?

Bill, thanks for having me on the podcast. It’s happy to be here and just happy to spend a little bit more time with you, man. Well, I’m 49. I’ve done a whole lot of things in my life. Probably the biggest thing in my life right now is my children, two children, they’re 10 and 80, and right now in the last 10 years, my focus from myself personally has been longevity, and I do that me, I just wanna live a long time, is I wanna be able to do things for a long time, so I really try to modify my training in my dietary life and whole lifestyle, so not only gonna be here, but I can be here and do things with my family, and I’d say that probably brings me the greatest joy in my life, be able to go out and do different things with them and being capable… There’s the joke at my children’s school, the ed teachers constantly like, Oh, the Terry Fox Run, which is like a range for charity we do here in Canada, and they’re like, Oh, your dad’s gonna be here, right? We don’t know he’s gonna be here.

He’s gonna run with it, so he’s gonna do a really good job, and I’m like, That makes me feel good that… And I get there and it’s just a lot of fun.

I know we’re talking about being a dad, but there’s so much more to you that goes back decades, and what I’d like to do is get in a snapshot to see that… Your journey to get to the place where you’re at right now as a dad, 49 years old, that you just didn’t show up today and do that… When we met, you owned a Campos, you were training combo and system. Could you kinda give like a little brief snapshot from the experience with the Kempo school… I know the Kempo school is no longer in existence. That’s correct. So there was a big transformation from you, which I think a lot of people… That happens for a lot of people, they think, Oh, I’m going in this direction in my life, and all of a sudden life throws them a curve ball and it’s very different, so can you kinda walk our listeners through an overview of that experience?

Let’s go back to my birth on one, I was born with a congenital heart defect. So I had a hole in my heart, one of the two from my heart to my lungs, too small, I have a heart. Remember a Lei valve, all those sorts, tower I was drawing up, it was very… Had to be looked at very carefully. Everything I did monitored and physically I wasn’t allowed to do a lot of things. A lot of the time, I end up getting left behind when I was in grade three and Uncle mine introduced me to martial arts, type one dog at the time, and the doctors were like, Yeah, that’s the safe thing to do, as long as there’s no contact, Tai Kwon Do the forms and doing the training and the cardiovascular work and stuff was considered very healthy, so one is an eight-year-old boy, like Who… Let’s get into it, all the ninja movies and start, let’s do some articles. And the crew too, my mom was more than happy, my dad was more happy to support it ’cause it was kind of in the right way, so that was kind of a big part of my life for a long, long time.

All through grade school, high school, even when I took a break, I couldn’t afford it for a while, I kinda still did it on my own, I ended doing other things, I end up getting into biking by slaying and roller blading and all sorts of things, but that was kind of my main focus ’cause I was told that was the healthy thing to do, anything cardiovascular-wise was good. I was a toll to avoid certain things. He’s bored. Certain foods and everything. I think though, I had two surgeries, I was like six months old and six years old at the time, I noticed when I was around 16, I started having back tightness all the time, I was just… I couldn’t hold the position for very long, it was just… I just felt like there was something in my Laura back, it was just like… So I kind of forced me out of position and it was that way for… Oh man, just probably a good six years. That’s all, it was this constant thing, and I’ve never talked to the doctor and you don’t stretch more… That was the stretch, so I stretch my back and I would feel good for 10 seconds, and then I didn’t even feel just as if not worse.

And then all the research at the time was like, what… Over a long walk, well, I’ll go to the watch though, Lakeside lock around the wall, and I’m like, Hey, this is… It was just walking with fatigue, my back of all things I’m saying, This doesn’t say I need to do more, so I walk more and I’d be done that we like like, man, I just… I need to go by in the couch and do nothing for a couple of hours to recover from walking, and it’s like I go to a martial arts class and work my butt off for an hour and a half to be dragon sweat and… Okay, okay, well, that feels better, but they can… Later on, I cool down, things would kinda catch up to me, and I think… I was about 22, I’m kinda guessing in there, 22, 23. When I had my first kid, I call the incident where I was lying on the couch, my nephew who was like a couple of ones, I was on the floor, and I just turned the reason and I grab his older Google Guy, I play with him a little bit, and all of a sudden I was like, something snapped.

I don’t know what, but there was some chunk and I couldn’t walk, I just really good, like I just… I couldn’t even stand up, I roll on to the floor and couldn’t move really watch I could crawl around and I was stuck that way for like two weeks, I end up going to the emergency hospital, the doctors thought I had kidney problems and says… And they did ultrasound. And like, nothing’s wrong with you. Why can’t I stand up? And if I do get up, Weymouth were go, Why Can’t I walk anywhere? We don’t know. So that became this massive, massive, long journey of finding different things, and again, everything was okay, you need to do more ad more work, your core as a work for it. Okay, yeah, I’m stronger. If you do more, do more watching. Oh, okay, I can walk better, but stretch for… Okay, eventually found a chiropractor and I got really, really locking ’cause my capacitor is amazing, Dr. Carolyn Gower in London, and she’s not just a chiropractor, so this is like the bid in Sweet was still kind of a spooky thing to go to the chiropractor and all they’re just cracking your bones.

She’s always been to all stems of other therapies and making sure she wanted… For me, I was like, Okay, I’m gonna put your back in position in layman’s terms, but it’s up to you to maintain that position, and he had great faith in me ’cause I was active and stuff. Again, it’s been… Even to this day, it’s still… From 206 to 40, I’m still applying something that works, it’s either always temporary or a small piece of the puzzle. There’s never one. I’ve had, again, more X-rays and more of this and more of that, and one of the things, like I introduced a system around 2001 to 2002, and very, very different, but also not really… It was just human movement, and I like to underside, the human means a lot of you or talk about that you’ll move like a human being yourself that you’re supposed to be… And there’s a lot of things I couldn’t do that he could do and other people could do, and that lower back thing has always been… I don’t think it’s ever gonna go away. In the time with me forever, and again, I think it’s why I started in this story with my birth, I think I still have a scar on my chest that’s over a foot long, and an inch and a half wide at one point.

And the damage that the long-term effects of my body, especially without ever considering that are immeasurable, I can never actually say… There’s all sorts of new research, both fashion and how that affects the body and the imprint leaves and even the scar tissue, it’s like, Oh, I should just be… It’s not just on the outside, it’s decided it affects everything, and I’m doing things now to even just kind of work that scares away, which is fine, ’cause I kind of resisted that over the years, I didn’t wanna make my scores of here ’cause I didn’t want to be advantageous saying, Well, everything is all connected, so… Sure. The problem is now words, I’m talking like almost 30 years of exploration of how to make me better, and long story short, I don’t believe there’s ever just one solution. Sometimes there is… You cut your hand in the piece of the class, will you take the class out and you put banana… That’s gonna get better. But for most people who are in pain, which is really your focus here is it’s a multi-layered, multi-faceted thing, it’s not just… It’s very rarely is it.

Just that one thing, and all those years of martial arts, all that kept all that kick boxing training, everything I was doing for all those years was very much protect that core and get that guard up and make self smaller, which I believe was over-stretching my bad over-lengthening and over-tightening my core, so I think when I finally started to have back problems, I started stretching the back more ’cause I was told to do that, I started strength core or more as I was told to do that, the… I think those were part of the problem at the time… One of the best lessons I ever learned was Charles Poliquin passed away a few years ago. A strength and conditioning coach, world Verdon trained, Manolo is, I’ve trained with them a bunch of times, simple article, him and another guy wrote together, and it was so simple, but at the same time for me, more mind boat was like, Well, if you’re having bad problems, strength in the back and maybe stretch the core a little bit, immediately I said, Okay, I’m gonna try that. So I started doing all sorts of exercises to strengthen my back and all the sorts of exercises to stretch out and release things in my core.

Game changer at the time, I was lifting weights. I couldn’t deadlift, I couldn’t even do lifeline by… It was impossible in my back or just I could not be in the right position that would not cause any sort of pain or things that I just couldn’t move. A couple of years ago, I did a wide grip deadlift for 310 pounds. Wow. It’s at an amazing left, but for me at age 40, having these backdrops all my life, major major accomplishment.

Sure. So we got extensive martial arts training, and you’ve studied strength, strengthening, stretching as well. Anything else in there that we didn’t touch on?

Yeah, well, I’d like to learn… Even when catamarans, I’m trained in numerous martial arts, I know you talk about how many… And any time I’ve gone to a different mail, I’ve always gone in completely as a beginner, it… It’s one of the things I like being a… I’ve gone to classes. They’re like, Oh no, Paul, you’re a black boar, your advance. You should be here. And I’m like, No, no, no, I wanna see the system, what I wanna see what I wanna start here and build myself up back into 2000, the hall tithe is fitness, Cape boxing craze was going on. And people were coming to my school like, I wanna do that, I’m like, it’s not quite what I do. I thought, This is what my clients… Is why customers, my… My students want… Well, I figured I better let learned about it, or at least… So I took a fitness instructors course, group fitness instructors for us, and that kind of homes a little bit just to the kind of a greater movement in health potential, and that led to some kettle bells or the vacations, he eventually led to a personal training certification.

Now, I’m getting a keel certification and all of that. It’s like, you’re hiding all this stuff.

It’s one of those things sometimes they don’t like to talk about… ’cause I’m like, some people will do course after course after course and look, my resume looks good, I don’t care about my resume, people who wanna train with me, they wanna train with me ’cause they wanna train with me, not osbert fiction. And I like to avoid that, but at the same time… Yeah, like Charles Poliquin, and he used to run a nutritional course called Bio-Signature. I did that a couple of times with them. Amazing stuff. And then I’ve done the Precision Nutrition one. In fact, I’ve been doing the level to Precision Nutrition right now. The functional movement screen. Working with those guys has been… Have you had no staff… Again, they’re all pieces of the puzzle, the gathering, one of the things is through Chiles polyporaceae, I heard of Heat Alcatel and his movement culture, I was like, Charles Poliquin was talking about this guy and that night, but they’re not… They’re not the same, but I thought, Well, I wanna check it out and explore, and I thought, Wow, there’s something here. And everyone gets something different for me too, and what I got was, You know, we need to move, reigned to move, and we need to move differently, and then we mostly are currently…

We all need different things, and so through the movement culture and a lot of online stuff there, I found animal flow and I found GMB gold, metal bodies reminders, and I’ve taken a bunch of those courses. GMB, I’m actually certified instructor in them, and a lot of my classes right now, or have been in the last couple of years, have been based on their concepts, so it’s kind of like fitness classes, but based on movement as opposed to Let’s just do a boot camp, I hate that term. List at your moving better first, why work on a 200-pound dead lift or squat, if you can, just quite… Normally, if you can’t sit down, Alan, let’s look at the general population. Real people and help them. Just move better and feel better. And.

I think you’re bringing up a really good point where I see personally and working with clients the disconnect, it’s like, I can’t do a normal squat, right, but I’m gonna wanna load my body up with extra weight and do a heavy squat incorrectly as well, and that’s what it leads the injuries on so many levels… Do I wanna get into how movement reduces pain, but I really wanna touch on that point, you’re working with clients and students, speak to that mindset that needs to be… We need to line that up in a way where… How does a person know they’re ready to begin to do something more when they aren’t even clear that they’re not doing it right to begin with.

Yeah, I agree with you so much there, and it’s kind of a hard point to talk about because it’s any different for everyone I know one of the things that so many people now are talking about is play Kakadu as adults, can you play… And I think if you can play and comfortably play, even if that makes you uncomfortable, but maybe you’re ready to do things, and I think what I hear you saying is different types of uncomfortable…

Yes, some people may physically be able to play, but mentally, emotionally, they think, Oh, it’s not… That’s really… Yeah, that’s weird. That’s.

Strange. Yeah, for about six years now, not this past year because things went on out there, but for the last six years before that, I was teaching group classes at a community standards around the corner from my house, and it’s been great and they originally hired me because… Because they had a class set up and had a bunch listed and no instructor because it’s some to over and the manager’s daughter knew me from the Y. And she called me out and say, Can you help me out? I’m like, Sure. And I was kind of in between things at the time, so the timing was just great, and they wanted me to write… One of the class was a bootcamp class, and they say, Well, I said, I don’t do a bookcase. She goes, Well, I know you, I trust you, I don’t care. Just do what you do. And I’ll be happy at I did. And 20 adults coming into this class, expecting someone to yell at them and tell them what to do and do all this stuff, and I didn’t… So we did a 10-minute warm, gentle, like moving through all the joints.

And I had one guy go, Oh, this is really intense. Okay, that’s not manage. But if this war of intense… What if I throw you into these traditional boot camp, sought, would that have done… And then I had a one person, God, this is weird. I said, I know. I said, And that’s okay, go. And then she goes, Oh, oh, okay. When I say That was okay. She thought, okay. And then she did it. Not everyone took to it… No, ’cause after the warm-up or like, Well, can you slide? Can squat, I said, Well, let’s do one shot that we all sat in a squad, and then a couple of the people are like… Where was the other 50? I’m like, I’m just gonna do one. Let’s go for a one. They’re like, What? I said, walking is good. I had a couple of younger people who just wanted to try something different ’cause it’s a community program, and they’re like, Oh, this is awesome. I don’t know what this is. Which is awesome. I said, Well, good. I say everything was… I had a structure, but I had lots of leeway in that structure, and I had to plan lots of lever on that plan.

We had fun, and I had the two girls, both young professionals, they’re graduating school there, their job, they ended bringing their parents, and I had the dad, I say, Okay, five minutes play time, you’re gonna do whatever movements you want for five minutes. And the girls have been with me for a couple of months now, they’re like doing some stand, a barren of Frogger and walking and squatting some other stuff. Well, the dad starts doing hand stance and the daughter gets up to the day… She’s like 28, and I also, I’ve now I know how all outtakes trying to do his end and the data is… Why are you in handstand? Don’t do that a lot. Like me, goes, Well, he is. But if he’s gonna try it, to try it… And he had fun with it. I had this one girl to… Man, I hate to say go. She’s 62. Okay.

First, I’ll support a young the lady yilan.

Just awesome. Lawson, way to go. But she’s a personal support worker, still going to work, you don’t know, five days a week on her feet the whole time, and she came in my class because her traditional Bootcamp class was gone for somebody as the instructor either retired to move, I don’t member the full story, and she needed something and just goes, Well, maybe I’ll try something different if this looks like it might be different, and for the first couple of weeks, I’ve talked to her friendly, but during class, I could never get a read from her… You’re in class sometimes, like a… She enjoying it and she’s liking it that she had… I hope so. And so one day we’re after class and we’re just chatting a little bit and she just kinda sat down is okay, and the obvious she was late, I was like, Okay, maybe she’s gonna tell me she hates it, it doesn’t like it doesn’t wanna come back. Or was he on? I’m like, Okay, so he’s at down to go. Paul is the best thing ever. I’m not what I was expecting. And she goes, she goes, I’ve been doing that RoboCop for over 10 years.

And I’m sure every time afterwards, which is something else we need to talk about, I’m like, Oh, sorry, you hear that. And she goes, I come into your class and she goes, I always stiff at the beginning, but she was a Nevis… I in my car and I’m smiling, and I feel like I could move better. She goes, I go to work in the morning right now, and I say, I wish I could do Paul’s class before I’m going to work, because… And he goes, One day she’s late, he’s all apologetic, he’s like, Oh, I’m sorry, I said, I do it as I do not, ’cause I’m apologizing to myself, ’cause I wanted to be here on time. So I do the warm-up, there’s power, there’s Freedom to be freedom in being able to play and.

I wanna touch on something that I see and it’s kind of that gap between the play and feeling good in the body, and it’s the UN-awareness of the level of self-abuse we put ourselves through… And I know that sounds like a really simple statement there, but it’s huge, and I think it’s very prevalent in society that people have a self-expectation from whatever reason or whatever it is, and they put themselves through these tasks, you know, I gotta do 50 push-ups right, I need to do 100 squats or whatever that is, and it’s over this expectation of how many you’re supposed to do, yet you’re not doing any of them correctly, and you continue to push, or the UN-awareness of continuing to push through something that is actually dysfunctional for the body, this is really gonna segue into the whole thing of movement medicine for painful joints, that we have to start with the right mindset as far as what we’re doing… And you’re saying it perfectly. If we played and we loosen up like kids do, it sounds like a shocker, the kids generally don’t get hurt, hurt, like adults do, and I think there’s this place where if we take a little pressure off of ourselves and allow ourselves to…

Well, we also need the right guidance, ’cause a lot of these echoes in our head of things that have happened in the past, that we’re supposed to do those 50 push-ups, otherwise we’re not gonna be… We’re not gonna meet the bar, so I think it’s a perfect segue to get into the movement as medicine, movement as healing the body movement as a way of getting the blood flow in the mood elevated and things like that, that’s not a beat down… That’s not the boot camp.

So one of my big pet peeves with other personal trainers is when they say like… Can you feel the burn? I’m like, I don’t want my clients to feel the burn, I was saying it’s bit of a joke, I say, you can feel a burn, you need to go to a doctor to get that checked out customer or something, you shouldn’t… That’s so negative. Burn is not a good thing. And I hear it all the time, and.

I wanna make a distinction here. ’cause there’s a tendency… There rarely is a middle ground with this, it’s like a gutter ball, it’s like, Okay, you don’t feel the burn, then there’s the people that I’ll be like, Oh, well, if I don’t push myself, then I’m not improving, if I don’t push myself now I’m not getting better, and that’s not what you’re talking about is all at all, there’s this… If you’re a professional athlete or you’re in the military or something like that, where your life and the longevity of your career is dependent on you pushing to extreme limits, different story, but in terms of your average everyday person that is a parent, that is… Whatever they’re in in their life. Destroying your body in the process. It’s not gonna… I’m all about pushing, but if you’re pushing to the detriment of your physical body, I don’t believe that is… I don’t see it making sense.

I think we have a big disconnect too, with what pain is versus discomfort, and I think some people today are… Some people are too freaked out with pain that they’ll associate discomfort with pain, but then other people, again, two extremes, some people are so used to paint, they think that’s normal, they think that’s just discomfort. Right, and that’s just a big, I’d say very much western society disconnect right now, and like you said, there’s middle grounds and there’s individuality, and even the military and these Olympic athletes, they’re not gonna be in a loop with athlete all their life, you’re not gonna be… You’re not gonna be in the military going… Going on active duty all your life, right? There is a… Let’s train for a certain period of time to get to a certain level, and if we have to increase that because we’re going to war or because I’m going to competition. Right, right. And they have injuries, but they also have people who help them in coaches who tell them when the back down what foods to eat and supplements to take, and so… Yeah.

There’s a gentleman who wrote a book, the book, his name is Tony shorts, and it’s all about training recovery, everything is about training, recovery, whatever you do, you’re doing it to train the recovery of whatever you’re doing. And I think that that was a game changer for me. Getting out of the mentality that I had to beat myself down in order to feel like I was doing something…

I don’t know, I don’t know the book, I wanna read it now. But one of my big things I’ve gotten through all of my learning a bunch of years, all of your goals, whether it is put on muscle, fat loss, endurance, feeling, none of that happens in the work out, it all happens in the recovery. You work out. But you need to go recover. So I’ve had clients who have been in the gym every day for our and a half or longer every day for 16 months, and they’re burnt out and they’re over… Wi had one client. It was insane. This is at the YMCA here in town. She’d been at the Y for lully, 18 months. I’d try. Why is that number? And the first six months, she lost a whole bunch of weight, look better, I felt better, but for last year, undulating nothing. And she was in there. I did you not. I wish I was getting an hour and a half every day hit in one of these machines, as hard as she can, and I see her. She was busting herself. I met her step-back, I said, No, no, we’re gonna live a little bit of weight was per se, not intense, it’s gonna be…

I said, I said, we’re on a cardio for like a month or two, I want you to… You can do as many yoga classes if you need to be here every day, go to the tooth classes, and I think I had her change one small thing in her diet, she came out two weeks later, he goes, I lost five pounds. I had lost any way in a year, they’re like, Okay, did all my changes… Make us lose the iPods. No, I believe I eliminated a whole bunch of stress that she was under the… Never recovering. She was hitting adrenals really hard.

Yes. Okay, that book, The Power of full engagement. Tony Schwartz, the power of full engagement. Writing that down. Yeah, I told you, Paul, this would be fun, like you and I hanging out talking, ’cause I realized I just am surrounded by really cool, interesting people that just love learning, so any… Yeah, this is great. So Tony Short has several books. I brought up a website here, the way we’re working isn’t working… What really matters. And his most recent book is dealing with the devil. So I haven’t read those other books, I read The Power of full engagement, and it was just a great book, a really of basically batching what you’re working on, so you weren’t doing the marathon exercise routine or Workday or whatever it is, is… You batch things, you batch things in manageable levels, and you can get things done because you never fully deplete yourself in the process. Right. And it’s gonna feel weird when you first start doing it because… Well, I’m not kicking my own butt in the process, I’m actually like, Oh, well, I still… I still could do more. And that’s the key. It’s like a battery. If you drain the top, just the top portion of a battery, the battery in your car, I’m talking about the alternator will charge you back up, but if you fully deplete the battery, it takes forever for it to charge back up.

I had a client, a good friend of mine, he’s been with me for years, he was Lord client first fitness client. He got into marathon running and he’s done a bunch of full marathons, he’s done the Chicago one, and then he wanted to go back and do it again a couple years ago, and he’s like… Something I’m doing is not working. And he goes, I like what you’ve been saying about some of this other stuff, so… Can you help me up? So we ended up dropping a lot of things and trying to get into… Trying to get to the drop running for a while, but we got some weight training, I try to get them to put on some weight, and it all worked out, and he ended up running a good time, not necessarily his best time… Two years later or three years later, I go, I want to go in the game. Because I wanna start earlier, I said Good. I said We didn’t have enough time last year, so we started… The run was in October, we started back in January. But again, first thing I did, I eliminated all the running to start with, ’cause he was addicted to that range was at one point him in his one buddy, they were running seven days a week.

Was just like, your body is never recovered it, you’re never giving it a etiology short… Two years ago, the last time he ran it, he ran his best marathon ever at 53 years of age, and when his training, his training cycle was only… His marathon training set was only 16 weeks long when we’re running three times a week, we played with that a little bit and gave him some different things, he had a plan and it was completely not unlike anything I’d ever done, and he was so happy. He just couldn’t believe that. I was like.

Yeah, it just goes to prove. It’s like a lot of times, we’re actually beating ourselves down in the process of achieving the thing that we want, we’re closer than we think, and it’s a mindset shift to realize that we could actually feel better in less time, energy and effort, if we stop the abuse in the process to self-abuse, in the process.

To go a little off-topic, I think some of this has to do with, unfortunately, how the last 60 years we’ve been viewing food or food like property, we had this big thing with food and really the end of day, so many people are still like, Oh, to cookie, you were saying, really, I need to do 50 push-ups Dowell. I had a bad Medline to work extra hearts here, and it just… That association between, while I did this, it’s bad, I need to do this, this is good, has just created this massive misalignment with our thinking and our relationship with food and movement and exercise and activity that… Yeah. Okay.

This brings up a good point that I wanna ask you about. And I think it points to people being honest with themselves, because there’s that place where you did the thing that isn’t so good for you, you don’t wanna beat yourself up in the process, however, you still wanna be honest with yourself that you could do better that you can improve from it. There’s a tendency sometimes for people to go, Oh, well, well, I just had that bowl of ice cream, I might as well finish off the rest of the half a gallon. So it’s like, how do you speak to that? Speak to that discrepancy in the psychology that ends up in health and fitness and things like that.

And the biggest thing is trying to convince my clients not to beat themselves up either way, because then it just creates a negative feedback loop and it’s like, okay, you have the ice stream. Good. Did you enjoy it? Good. Did you not enjoy it? Oh, well, Gentile have it. They time it more. Let’s create a positive… Enjoy, yeah, after I didn’t… If you’re gonna have it anyway, you might as well enjoy it and get rid of that negative feeling it really… That negative association. And then it all depends on the client, how ready are they to change and ready is not necessarily mean really, ’cause most times come in, they’re like, I had a ton of ice cream, most of them don’t want to be the type of ice cream, but is there something else that’s driving it. How bad a day are they having and what aspects of their life up until that bad day have been controlling that and then that… It’s probably a habit. So very few people make a conscious decision, no, I feel kind of topical, I need to think of a scream, it’s a feeling they’re experiencing it, that they need to crunch that feeling, ’cause it’s overwhelming and that’s something…

It’s a tool in that way, as a tool like anything else, and it can be a real positive tool.

But yeah, I think there’s distinctions and nuances that we’re bringing into the conversation here, What is the ice cream feeding that isn’t being addressed in a healthy way in the person’s life, right? It could be movement, they could sleep, it could be nutrition, it could be emotional stuff that’s going on, so we were looking at instead of us putting in to, Okay, I’m gonna exercise now, I go to sleep, gonna eat, gonna work. And now we’re looking at all of these distinctions and nuances in a person’s life to be like, Well, maybe they need to go for a walk, maybe that would make them feel better, or maybe if they played like that type of movement where it helps their physical body and now you don’t want the degree… I think it’s… There’s an aspect of us that we’ve lost touch with those distinctions and nuances, and we put things into big categories, and if they don’t fit into those big categories, there’s a short circuit in the nervous system where they’re going, I’ll just to have a Tube ice cream, a.

Lot of times people will talk about human beings in general, it’s all… We’re inherently lazy. We wanna take the path of least resistance. I don’t like to use that. That’s so negative. I don’t think relay, but I do think we’re efficient, we’d like to find things that are efficient because it’s just… It works out better that way. And sometimes efficient seems like the path of these resistance, and it’s easy to go that way, and it doesn’t naturally mean it’s a bad thing, it just means that’s what led us to here, and if we’re gonna change that, if you want to change that, if you see that as a problem, and then you want to change that, you need to recognize it as a problem first, if it is, you need to want to change it next. And then you need to find the right way. It’s gonna work for you. And it might be a simple like, Okay, go for a 200 walk before you have the ice cream for up for some people. Done certainly the One have… They won’t eat as much. Real simple, I was like, Well, you’re right there, you’re in the kitchen, you’re about to get the inherent in an Apple first is to let your Airstream and eat that apple first.

And again, sometimes they’ll change nothing, but sometimes it’ll change everything, and if I can find the path of least resistance for that client, what’s the best way… What can be changed at will work? Then we can start rebuilding to where we wanna be.

And I generally… That thing is easy. It’s easy, it’s super easy. And it points to what we’re not seeing because it’s falling in a blind spot that.

Sometimes, but you said it’s so easy, you don’t accept it or we can’t see it. We were talking about this right before we started.

It’s right at the tip of my tenor, the person who was like calling me Captain Obvious because of… Well, if we put the knee in a position of comfort, it’ll heal and the guy was going, Well, yeah, duh.

And you’re like, Yeah.

Yeah, and I’m like, Well, if it was that obvious, then why aren’t more people doing it? Why are so many people limping around with me? Paywall. Cool, let’s see what else we’re gonna chat about today here, Paul, we’ve kind of covered big pitfalls people make in regards to pain, so someone’s suffering in pain, what do you think would be to make the biggest difference? The biggest needle mover.

Yeah, I know that’s such a runner out there for me, as someone who’s trying to help that person, I need to consider… So much more important, if you can consider the person… And one of the simple things I can do is, of course, it’s have a network of other professionals, physiotherapist, which I have a couple of chiropractor, which I have a couple besides therapist, I’ve referred a couple of friends and clients is lying to your website. You can group because I’m like, They had NEPA that no one knew what the case was, Well, if cursive have clients who’ve had Pepin, I say, Well, okay, let’s try this, and sometimes it’s helping, sometimes sometimes it hasn’t, and it’s like, Okay, well, it’s discovering… Is it pain? Okay, and if it’s a real pain… That could be a very serious thing. We do the mature on hikes, it discomfort. I’ve had some people just lose that connection. Like, I have this pain in my knee. When I do this, I said, Okay, we… As IT in your day. Well, no, it’s like a couple of inches above my knee, I’m like, Okay, well, it could be a muscle tightness, it could be the fashion being all bound up on there…

I’ve had some people go, Oh, I can’t squat, ’cause of my knee is like, Oh, okay, do you wanna try this to working with them, what are you comfortable with trying… And I say, We don’t have to swap if you wanna try it, let’s… We’re on it to get… And some people had like, never go down even half way that I’ve had some people, six weeks later, there are like three quarters the way down to a proper squat and they couldn’t go half way before and you talk… That’s what they talk. Talk to the professionals that you know, I don’t… Every class. Anyone have any injuries I need to know about today? And maybe I have one person say something, and then usually halfway through class or the end of class or six weeks in the classes, while I’ve been experiencing back pain for the last six years, How do shoulder injury in like… You didn’t tell me about this before. So share the information you have, write it down, journal it… There’s so much power in writing things down.

I think there’s a point of collecting information, gathering information to understand what is the path to move forward in, and many times I see people taking action when they don’t even have enough information yet, they’re reacting and they’re immediately doing something that many times, I’d say even 99 times out of 100 that they’re making the situation worse by acting without the full amount of information, which is why you ask at the beginning of the classes, anybody have an injury, you’re trying to gather the information to know how to guide the class, ’cause you certainly don’t wanna make somebody do push-ups if they got a shoulder issue that you don’t know about…

Right, the other thing I do is, this is kind of going back a little bit earlier, but it really goes on with you as well as being… I was talking earlier about people are being a living efficient, and one of the things that can be a negative of that is that when people do find something, whether it’s yoga, running marathons, body building, Masha, we tend to find… As the species, we tend to find something that either works for us or that we like, and then suddenly, suddenly that’s what we do, that’s who we are. The yoga person has been on all their life ’cause they didn’t like anything else or in there’s the body builder who has a teenage… We found this out and has been doing it for the… You’ll do the marathon, and that leads to a host of other problems, repetitive strain injuries being the most obvious muscle imbalances being something to look at it. So when it comes to my philosophy on people training, now I say, well, if we can… Let’s find two things. Let’s find something you like. You’re like, You… Okay, do you go right? Because you’ll like it.

You’re probably gonna do it right. You’re gonna go, right. Right. But let’s find something else. And if you’re ready for it, I really encourage. Find something you don’t like. ’cause then you gotta ask yourself, why don’t you like it? I hate listing the ways I hate doing any body weight exercise. Why not? Well, I’m not good at it. Okay, well, there’s nothing… Especially were with women, I say There’s nothing wrong with being strong, but you don’t have to put on big muscles, but you can still get strong and being strong as a good thing. Oh, and there’s another fine ’cause you’re gonna do it to find something you maybe don’t enjoy and at least try it out, give it a chance and see if it starts fixing some of these other rites, finding that balance, I think is balanced balances in the… One is 5050 it. It doesn’t mean you’re gonna do… You got half the time and wait listing half the time. Those are just two examples. It might mean like, Well, I’ve been doing yoga 90% at the time. I’ve never been Wait lifting, I might need to wait left or body we train or do I need to do this like four or five days a week for three, four months or a year to counter some of this other thing or…

I’ve never run to the store or it alone a marathon, well, maybe I should play with some cardio, I’ve never done a squat in my life, or I’ve never walked in my hands… Maybe we should. And working with adults, usually it’s easy to find what they haven’t done yet, but if it’s easy, you’re a runner, you’re a yoga person, Well, let’s do some way training, you’re a wait train. I also work with children a lot, I’ve got a lot of children’s laces, which was a lot of fun, and for them, I just… I do everything right, ’cause they don’t need necessarily a structured program ’cause they’re probably mostly playing on their own, doing everything already be working with adults, especially in pain, it’s like, well, again, you’ve probably found something that may have temporally were stretching for me. Everyone will be stretch, Strait, felt better for 30 seconds to 15 minutes for a day, and then we come back for us, and I found something different that I wasn’t doing and it helped me, but it helped. Right, and again, that’s where play comes into it, right, right. Let’s play with some different things. Does it make you uncomfortable? Yes, that’s okay.

You’re allowed to be uncomfortable, you’re allowed to have that feeling, it doesn’t mean you have to discount it though…

Oh, okay, Paul, we’re gonna wrap it up here in a little bit. You have some bonus stuff you’re gonna share with us, we’re gonna have a button down below this podcast on the common a Foundation website. Can you give us a little teaser of what we might be seeing…

Yeah, basically, anyone wants to work with me if they’re so interested, the best way to get a hold of me is just through my email address, it’s just… He’s just a most efficient way. AP, my initial. DAW-D-Y at hotmail dot com. Elwell.

Have all your contact information below their… Perfect, and.

who wants to contact me and wants to chat, I’m happy to give two live Zoom sessions ’cause we’re really not being in person right now and discuss your needs and your wants, they’re both important, and we can do some some talking, but we can also look at some of your movement patterns and stuff while we’re doing that, also, if anyone’s interested in doing more than that, I do a lot of my programming through an app called just coach and… Downloading the app is free, whether it’s your Google or the apple, and then I can put you on as a client and you go on as your coach, and I have a two-week program that I can set up for you, no charge. After we’ve talked, to make sure we can find something that would work for you, and.

Are we gonna be able to get maybe a 10-15 minute clip of you teaching a class or something that we could… Throw one up on the website.

‘ve never actually done it, thing like that, but I would be happy to do so.

I’ve seen… The reason why I’m asking is ’cause I’ve seen you post stuff on your Facebook page, so I was like, Oh, that’d be really cool to do some sort of movement thing, like a warm-up, maybe an example of the play that you’re talking about in a class, it doesn’t even have to even be you, it’s like, How are your students… What are you talking about as far as play? ’cause you could be a little ambiguous for someone who hadn’t seen it before, so I think that’d be cool, and what we’ll do is include it with all of your contact information in the app you’re referring to, and to set up times to speak with you. We’ll have information where they can go to this clip… What you would have to share with them?

Yeah, I’ve got a few things currently on YouTube that they’re usually in private and stuff, I’ve been to… Some of my certifications, I’ve had to film myself and put him out there, so I can definitely give access to those, and I’m sure I could also film something else as well, so… Have to put that together, for sure. Perfect. Cool, as anyone has any suggestions of what they wanna see, but I’ll be open to suggestions too, and I put something out there for sure. Awesome, is there anything else you wanna share? It’s kind of sticking out in the back here, back to your head, that’s like we didn’t cover today. Yeah, that’s the specific… That we didn’t cover. It was more like, Don’t give up. We all have reasons in our life for doing things and really just don’t give up, and it’s also… It’s never too late. You may not find the solution, but you mind, you might find a piece of the puzzle and explore and trying not to go into the rabbit hole and try not to get married to some grew… Some doctrine or something like that, but let’s flying something for you, don’t give up.

one step, one step better is better than stagnating and falling backwards.

Absolutely. Paul, I wanna thank you so much for being here. Thank you for chatting with me today. Once again, we’ll have all that contact information down below… One last thing you’d like to say before we wrap this up.

I totally, my pleasure. This was very relaxed. A lot of actually fun. I appreciate you bringing me on here. I really enjoyed the conversation. Thank you.

Great, Paul, thank you for being here. This is Bill Parravano, the knee pain guru, going to wrap it up for the Pain Education Podcast today, sponsored by the Comella Foundation. And thank you so much. We will see you on the next one.

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