Muscle Testing to Zero in on the Source of Pain with Jeanie Anderson

Show Notes:

  • “Total Body Modification uses emotional work because there are emotions attached to organs and spine, and thus you have to assess what you need to do first. Do you need to do the structural part first or do you release the emotions? And you do that all with a technique called MUSCLE TESTING, to tell you where to begin. 
    • ~ Jeanie Anderson, N.D.

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Full Transcript

Hello, its bill, the knee pain guru. Welcome to the pain education podcast, brought to you by The comella Foundation. Today, we have a very special friend of mine, Jeanie Anderson, I’ve known Jeanie for years. Her and I Gosh, been at least 15 years that I could remember. But Jeanie, I wanna welcome you to the show, and I’d like you to introduce yourself.

Hi everyone. I’m Jeanie Anderson. I live in farrow Pennslyvania, the Pittsburg area, correct that it outside Pittsburg. And I’ve been in this field for a really long time, so I started out with an automobile accident that put me here into this position, and so after my automobile accident, the prognosis I had afterwards was rather bleak as far as being able to function normally, and I would not accept that. And so I refused A lot of their… What they wanted to do or what they said they were going to do. And started a restart, that’s how I got snowball, not to no ball, but that’s how I became interested in the natural health world because the medical system did not support me in the way that I wanted to be supported, and so with that, I just started delving in studying and got several degrees in it and just kept moving forward, and as I moved forward, I changed my whole physical be… And can do things that they said I would never be able to do. So that is how I got here.

Okay, Jeanie. Now, because I know you, okay, you glossed over the magnitude of what puts you on the path… Now, you were in a car accident, could you tell… Could you share with the listeners what was going on with Jeanie right after the accident? Being hospitals to shoulder. The ankle. Oh, okay. What happened? What did you do? You got in the accident. What happened to you?

Oh, I ended up breaking my arm. And my left arm and my left clavicle. I don’t know how much detail you want me to go into, but…

Well, I think it’s gonna be helpful for those listening to understand, ’cause a lot of times when people are in pain, they’re just like, nobody understands, nobody’s been in the level of pain I’ve been in, and this is what happens when people go to… Dr. A physical therapist, The Doctor and the physical therapist are giving them instructions based on what they learned in a class or a text, but they don’t necessarily have that personal experience, and I think where we’re headed right now in the world in general, is for people to know that, Oh, that person over there has been through the same stuff I’ve gone through… I was in a car accident, I had to learn how to walk again. I had to have this surgery, I almost died on the operating table. And when people recognize that other people have been in the magnitude of an injury that you’ve been in, they’re gonna go, Oh, I can trust her. As she gets it, she understands what I’ve been in and what I’ve been through. So I think having that experience giving listeners a snapshot of that is going to be super helpful for people going, Hey, I think Jen can help me, or Hey, hey, I think Jeanie knows who could help me, ’cause that’s gonna lead into what we’re gonna talk about later on to the podcast.

Okay, ’cause I know your arm wasn’t attached, and I know… And I know your ankle has a lot of pins and screws and plates and stuff like that in it, so I think that’s gonna be really helpful for people to understand that.

Okay, I just didn’t. Okay, alright, so do we start again or… Oh.

No, you just… A car accident. Excuse me. Car accident. You’re in the hospital now. What are the doctors telling you? What are the doctors doing? Well.

My clavicle on my left side and my upper arm was broken, and my ankle was shattered, I had multiple contusions, cuts all over the place, and as he went, they didn’t work on my arm right away because of the… They figured it would just heal on its own, and so they did work on my ankle, they went in and they pin and screwed it all together, and three months later, those pins and screws, my ankle was so swell and constantly that it was reacting to pins and screws, and so then they had to remove those pins and screws and told me that my ankle would have to be probably defused in place in order for me to maneuver around, and… So they sent me to physical therapy trying to get… Learn how to use my ankle, and I ended up leaving physical therapy with the fact that this was probably all the further I would get, which left me with a major line, which I knew was going to throw the whole rest of my body of walking. Walking, from there, I went to… I just lost everything.

What do I do? Well, you’re talking about the ankle… They were going to use the ankle.

Right. And so when they told me when my time was up with physical therapy and they told me this is all that you’re gonna end up having, and then when I went to the doctor, he said, We may have to fuse it in place, and I just walked out of there, with my thoughts of, No, you’re not doing that, I will figure out how to get this ankle maneuvering and working right. So that’s what I did. I still had my arm and a swing in a cast for quite a while for three months and went to the doctors for that one, and I said, You know… So they took all that out, and then I tried to use my arm and it wasn’t working right, so I ended up wondering what to do about that, and because the doctors didn’t seem to know what to do, and so the doctor put me back in physical therapy for my arm, and so I’m trying to use weights and stuff to get my arm to work right and it’s not working right, and I can’t figure out why… So the one day I was on a physical therapy table, I ended up looking at my arms and realizing that my left arm, they never bothered to look and check to see if it was rotated too far to the left, where the break was, the break was.

So clean, that they just… What they did was just casted it together, put a splint cast on it and just held it in place for three months, then they decided because it was not working right and it aged in that area, they were going to mentally it, so they went in and met plated my arm back together, and then when they were done with that, and I came out of surgery, I was trying to use my arm and it was still was rotated too far to the left, I’m not working right now, I realized they didn’t bother to check to see that the arm was in position before mediating it together, went to a surgeon in Pittsburgh to see Keisha play be taken out, and he said, Well, it could be, but you may lose… There’s a nerve that goes where that incision is, there is a nerve that goes down to your wrist, and you know, I can’t guarantee I won’t sever that nerve, and he said So you may end up with not being able to use your hand. You would have a Libris, and I went, Okay, not doing that when I would learn to live with the arm, so I ended up walking away learning that I had to learn how to figure out how to get my ankle to work again, how to get my arm to work again.

So I started on my journey. The first place I started to go was chiropractic to see… I was turned down by a lot of chiropractors because they kept… One look at me and said, I’m not touching that. And I finally found one chiropractor who would… And she ended up… She did marvelous work on my ankle, she got in here with our knuckles and dog in and broke up all kinds of tissue, and that was in her adhesions and things like that, and she was fantastic, and she retired on me, so I just kept going on my journey and finding and people, people would… I would just be introduced to people and it would be like, Wow, okay, you’re my next person to work with it. So I had a whole list of people that I worked with. They worked on my ankle because my ankle was limited in so many ways, of course, my knee was affected, my hip was affected, my back was affected, my neck was affected, let alone the whiplash and everything that my neck took from this in a non-accident.

Did you have a concussion as well as…

I don’t know that one. Nothing was said to me. I did not really, I had locked my arm on the steering wheel, so I prevented my head from really as much as I could prevented. Plus, I had my son in the seat and I was trying to hold him in the seat, so I was kind of turned… I just got hit with a lot of glass on the side of how my side of my face, and actually locked myself in this position, and this position I have been releasing from for years and I’m a… But this has been a journey. It’s been a fantastic journey because I have learned so much once I started learning how to change my body around and make it work normally, even though it’s not normal to make it work normally has been just phenomenal, so I have gained… My ankle was limited, very limited as far as movement goes, I could not rock it sideways forwards, I could move it very little, up and down, very little. And so I started working on it, I decided, Okay, this is my job, so I’m working on it and I’m like, Okay, something’s still not walk it working, right? What am I doing wrong? So I thought about it.

I was outside walking and I thought about… And I thought, Okay, wait a minute, my left leg works right, let me see what it’s doing, so I was watching in my left leg, and then all of a sudden I realized and then I would take a step on my right leg and went, Oh… So when I take a step forward instead of my knee bending forward, it was bending backwards, which made me limp even more, so then I started working with that now that move bending of my knee on my ankle without having that motion. It was a painful thing to do, and so I had to work with it very little at a time, and as I kept working with it, the muscle stretched, ligaments tightened up, everything just worked, it started to loosen the bone, then was starting to also dissolve as I worked on it. So now, the ankle that I have now is at least half the size of it was it was after the accident, and I have much more range of motion in it now just from learning how to walk properly.

Sure. And just so everybody’s clear, when you talk about the bone dissolve, can you talk about that a little bit more so we don’t freak people out…

Okay, well, your body is very interesting. Okay, we look at it as being stuck a lot of times in our situations, and what I’ve learned through my situation is that the body heals itself, so if there’s a restriction and you’re doing the right thing to help alleviate that restriction, then that restriction can actually… Your body… For instance, my body built this bone mass around my ankle because it was not structurally sound, I mean that wasn’t there when I had my accident, so it built itself up to protect me so that I could stand on it and not fall over, but that bone mass became interference in the fact that it hindered me from moving forward, so as I worked on it, as I put pressure on it little by little, not a whole lot of the time because they have done up information and that creates a whole another problem. So as I worked on it little by little and showing my body that this ankle can work, the body itself starts to dissolve, it can dissolve bone that’s built up like that, alright, when it’s be entering a joint from functioning, and so that’s what happened.

And so that bone, just the body just kept absorbing and absorbing it, and as it kept absorbing it, then I began to get more range of motion, so… But this is a process I’ve been doing for years and years, and I am still gaining more range of motion, actually, in the past four years… In the past four years is the first time I was able to run… Cool. And so that was phenomenal when I could run… ’cause there was no way I could run. I couldn’t walk up hills. Let Loren… And so because of the body doing that, it released my ankle enough that I actually run up hill now, which… That was the range of motion I lost a lot in. And so the body is remains I was working on my body, I learned this body is rather miraculous, and that’s when I started being catapulted into what I do now. So my practice was, Would.

You give a time frame from the accident to when you finally worked on all this to be able to run in the past four years, how long of a span was that…

Oh my gosh, that was here. So my automobile accident was when I was 27 years old. Okay, and at that age, you didn’t wanna be laid up and crippled for the rest of your life.

So the three years… Three years, one.

Some years. How many… Actually, I was 27, so it’s like 50 years. 50 years that I was able to run.

Okay, and this is hugely important. What you just shared, and I don’t know if you under…

It wasn’t 50 years to 30 years is.

30 years, 30 years. And it’s hugely important because I have so many people that are told by medical professionals that it’s like, Well, if you don’t have the range of motion in your knee, your hip, your neck, whatever it is… Within six months after the surgery. That’s it. And I really wanna emphasize that that it’s not necessarily true.

No, it is not true. It’s not true. That was the biggest lesson I learned. And it was through all the classes I started to attend to, it was really interesting because the first class I started to attend, I had studied nutrition when I was 23, I got into nutrition, so I had all the nutritional aspect down, the herbs that were gonna help me, the vitamin, so on and so forth, but this whole structural thing was a different thing, so what ended up happening was a friend of mine invited me to go to an ortho-Bion class, acidity was one of the biggest practices that help me… Modalities, I should say, that helped me realize my body could do a lot, and through portion my… What happened was that release to all the muscles, the ligaments, the tendons that were holding tight because it did not release from the accident, so as I continue to take those classes and to learn and have this with the students, I’ll work on each other and kept getting worked on that helped a lot, as well as the chiropractors that were keeping my body stabilized, you know, my spin, especially with the way I walked and everything else.

So the chiropractors kept me and I would go to one and he would do his thing for a length of time, and I realized he was done, so I find my next chiropractor, and actually I didn’t find that they actually came to me… That was kind of interesting, you know? ’cause I was attracting them, I was like, Okay, I need somebody else to help me. And so then I would all of a sudden come across this other chiropractor, find out what they did and went, Okay, here my next person to take me where I need to go, and I’ve gone through several chiropractors, they take me to where they need to go, and then I need to need to move on to the next one to take me the rest of the way, so that’s what I’m done with all the practitioners that I have worked with, and plus through all my studies and taking on my schooling and classes and things like that that has all fed into this… To knowing what to do. So what I do now is when I work with people first, one of the major things are structural, I look at that because if their structure is off, then their internal organs are off, everything is off, so we have to look at that structural piece first and make sure, their balance structurally and work on them and teach them how to stay balanced structurally, and then as I’m doing that also, I am working with the rest of their body trying to figure out the other thing you deal with is emotions.

You know, those emotions. I thought my son was gonna bleed to that he was so cut up so bad, and there was nobody around us, we were on a back road, this car came around a corner, hit us, and we were just stuck in the situation, and when everything stopped moving and I looked over at him, he was blood from head, and I was terrified, I thought he’s gonna die, and there’s nothing I can do because I’m all broken, I’m trying to reach over to help him, I’m penned in from the top… Above the knees down. And so I just started praying, and this little girl come across the field, a field in distance, she hurt his noise, and I happened to know her ’cause this was right in my hometown, and I said, Lori, please run home, get an ambulance. Eric’s gonna believe to that, and so I had all that emotion going on in me, had to deal with all of that, and so there’s all this emotion involved too, when you’re in something like that, or when you… Structurally are not working, right? There’s emotion.

When you… Physically are not working, right? There’s emotion. So I tie a lot of emotional work into my practice too, and I’ll be working with somebody and I’ll go, Oh, wait a minute, there’s an emotion, let me look with this motion is and let’s find it. And let’s release it. And so that’s what I do. I also release emotions to get people where they need to be in their journey, so that… What you just shared is incredibly, incredibly valuable for people that are looking for help to know that you’ve been through that experience, and you went from the doctors being like, Okay, the doctor is going to take care of me, to now I’m on my own path and partnering with the people that come across my path to help me improve on my existing situation, and I think that is a huge, huge mindset shift for a lot of people, where they put… Whether it be the medical professional, whether it be the massage therapist or the herbalist or whoever that is, they put them on that pedestal, that what this person says is gospel, when in actuality, we need to take that into our experience, we need to bring that into our life, and based on our past experiences, based on what we’ve studied and learned to know about ourselves and kind of figure out, well, what does make sense, right, because to go and give that power to someone else, this empowers us.

So I think that what I hear you saying is that process, and even though you are not working, you are now working with clients, you have not gotten off that journey, you still bring people into that… Into your experience on your path that continue to help for you to grow and continue to improve on your thing, so now 30 years after your initial injury, you got back to running. Yeah, so that’s super cool. It.

Is, yeah. And like I said, and that’s what I tell everybody who comes into my office, this is a journey. Especially if they’ve been through something similar to what I’ve been through. This is a journey. And that’s what life is all about. It’s a journey, you know there is no arrival, it’s not that you’re gonna do all this stuff, and then all of a sudden there’s an arrival because that’s what everybody looks for, they look for an emotional arrival, they look for a physical arrival. It’s not an arrival. It’s a journey, and if you leave your mind to open to this journey, then you can… It was amazing how these chiropractors and these body workers and everybody would just all of a sudden be there when I needed them, and it may have taken a month or two or a year before I would know that, Oh, this is my next person, and just by talking to them and stuff, I knew that was my next person to work with, and I knew when it was time to leave them and find my next person, and that journey was just phenomenal, and I just met wonderful people, wonderful people, and through that journey and learning all about the different types of techniques out there, I had never known about ortho, yanam, had heard about chiropractic, but never would have known about orthodontic.

It hadn’t been for someone introducing me to it and letting me know This is available, and that was where I got the most improvement was the…

Yeah, me too. Yeah, but with all that, it was very much a similar half for me was I was starting to go to different healing seminars back in October for a fall of 99… After my knee surgery in June, and I had all this time on my hands where I couldn’t lift weights and run and bike and go to judo and throw people, and then I end up in this orthotics that… The instructor was like, Well, orthodontist by a British osteopath. He was also a judenrat, and I was like, Oh, wait a minute. The record Scratch is like he studied what? And that was my connection. And then all the people that I studied with were… And the people in that first class, they were doctors and PTs and massage therapists, and when they talked about the scapula, I was like, what part of the body was that… Yeah, and with that understanding, and I think this is really important for people to get this, especially the listeners, is that you don’t need to be a medical professional, but I don’t need to have this extensive body work experience or understand anatomy and physiology or stuff like that, you’re learning about yourself in the process, and it’s a big deal.

It was interesting because part way in my journey, my oldest son decided to become… He got into Karate and he became a blackout in karate, and his instructor put him in charge of one of the schools that he had, and my whole life had wanted to take care now it was like, Well, this is… I’m not gonna be able to do that now, and then I go, No, I’m gonna work on it, I’m gonna try it. So I contact them and I said, Do you think you could help me out? I’m gonna come to your classes, and I said, you, I trust because you know my munitions that I have at this present time. And it ended up that I went there, he talked to a superior and they said, yes, she could do it, and so I went there and I could not jump. And so all of a sudden I’m in a class on learning to jump kick, and I was like, Okay, no technique to learn. And so I ended up learning how to jump it, and that was the really amazing… I was really amazing. So because he really landing on that ankle, I had to learn how to take landing on that angle without it…

Me falling to the ground. So it was cool, that was cool too, and it was the fact that my son was part of it.

Sure. Okay, let’s go into your training, and I think in that process, you said before the accident, you were studying nutrition and herbalism and things like that, kinda give a brief overview of your experience, you’re… I know you’re a life-long learner.

I am, I’m on…

Can you give an idea for our listeners what you’ve studied…

Well, I knew when I was in the automobile accident that the nutritional studies that I had been doing was preparing, was preparing me for this because it was that that I needed to use for pain relief and so on and so forth, the herbs, and watching what I was eating inflammatory foods and stuff, so that was part of my schooling there, that was just on my own, and because of that, I started researching, finding where I could go to learn. And so I ended up finding this group of people called certified natural health professionals, and so I started working with them, and I started going to classes with them, they were coming to the Pittsburg area, I would go take the classes and became a certified natural health professional taking all of those classes, which taught everything about the body as far as it would deal with structure, it would deal with vitamins, A vitamins and minerals, herbs, emotional work, they address the whole body, and so I took all of those classes, and then I ended up going to Trinity School of natural healing and getting my naturopathic today degree, considered a traditional nature path, I do not…

I only do things very naturally the way it was intended, it was intended to be, and so then there was another technique that I learned that was called Natural Healing, and actually that came from total body modification, that was the first one I took, and then I took Natural Healing. Total Body Modification. I became certified in that, that takes the body, or it shows you how the body can function and how you can release because it release emotion and working with that, and Total Body Modification ties in the nerves and everything, and so there’s different techniques in there that can release tension in the body too, as well as the physical part of the body as glands, you can take a look. And what that teaches you is the fact that the organs and glands are all attached to the spine of the body, and so the spine is connected to all those organs and glands through nerves, and so whenever there is something going on with this particular part of the body, what happens is you can go to the back, and for instance, the liver is connected to thoracic two, thoracic and thoracic seven, and so you can go and stimulate the spine and that can cause those nerves to calm down and release the spine, and so then that helps the liver become more relaxed and it also releases the spine from being tense because the liver test so we’re so connected in the body, it’s amazing, and so this total body modification was what that was all about.

So in order to release some of my structure, I had to look at the organs to which is what they show you to see, and so I was able to release and that also… Total body modification also uses emotional work too, because there’s emotions attached to those, that organ and those fine and respond. And so you have to acetate weather what you need to do first, do you do the structural part first or do you release the emotion first, and you do that all with a technique called muscle testing, and so that will tell you where you begin… So we have a tendency to just do what we wanna do, but we don’t really ask the body what it’s done, and so through muscle testing that the body tells you what it means to have done first, and so if you follow it in that sequence, a lot of times it releases a whole lot easier if it doesn’t release and there’s something else involved, so then you need to look what else is involved and you can get that information from the body, and once again, that is through muscle testing, so testing is very interesting in the fact that we are a magnet on this earth, most people don’t know that, and we are a magnetic field, and we have a north and a south pole, just like a magnet, does that’s how we’re attracted to the Earth, if we didn’t have a North and South Pole, we would not be standing on the earth, and so by keeping that northern South Pole balance, that helps your body to function better, it helps your structure to function better, it helps your organs to function better, and because of that, you can dip into figuring out what’s going on with the body by using a muscle in the body, but what I usually…

What I use is the arm, if the arm is available, sometimes there’s something wrong with the army, so you will be able to use the arm, so I can use a leg, I can use fingers, I can tell somebody to put their fingers together and then I can try and pull them apart to see if they can hold that together, they can hold it together. Then that’s fine, if they can’t. There’s something balance.

And just so I’m clear, and for those that are watching this, this is clear, our nervous system, our body is an electrical system, and it either either completes a circuit and if it completes that circuit, the body is strong. Correct. And if a fuses blown in that circuit, then when you muscle test, something is going to show up week… Yes, correct. You muscle tested me, and you will zip through and you’ll be like, in your testing, you’re testing, you’re testing, and I’m like, Okay, it’s strong, strong. And all of a sudden you’ll touch something and my arm will just go, Oh, it… Is not conscious, even if I wanted to be as strong as I possibly could. Whatever gene, whatever you’re doing is bypassing whatever is going on in my head that would say… Keep that Armstrong. So I just wanna emphasize to those that are listening, what you’re asking, the body does zero in on exactly where this issue is and on what level that issue is, whether it be physical or organ, or emotional or mental, whatever that is, This is going on faster than we could even think about it. Correct. I just wanted to make sure we got that out.

’cause when we’re in the biz, as you and I are, it’s real easy just to talk the lingo, and then those that aren’t familiar with it are just gonna be like… What are they talking about? So I think this is incredibly value, valuable, your knowledge and understanding on how to muscle test the body is a way of cutting out all of the things of you needing to get this extensive history of what’s going on or the person trying to figure out what to say to you that we can go… We need to address that.

Correct. Okay, yeah, so what happens is a client will come in and I will, first of all, make sure the magnetic field is balanced a… Sometimes their North and South Hall is out of balance. So I bring that back into balance. And if that’s not in balance, you’re gonna get the wrong answers from the body kind…

Or North and South Pole get out of balance. What happens?

Well, an accident such as my own emotions can throw it out of balance… Okay.

Yes, and wireless cell phone.

Yeah, electromagnetic, ally, when I’m a computer, I walk away and Sumy chest something, my chest can write my magnetic field, so I will pump my chest and bring my magnetic field back to… And it’s a rhythmic pattern, it’s not just doctor, it’s a rishi pattern, and you sum that for a while and it brings your mechanic field right back into balance. Okay, and so that has to be balanced in order for me to assess the body and see what is going on with it, And SOE… So the muscle testing, you have to have some instruction, a little bit of instruction with that, because you need to know whether you’re getting the right answers are not… Okay, so the muscle will tell you you make statements basically. Alright, it’s not asking questions because questions are open-ended, so you wanna make a statement and then you want to apply pressure, let’s say to the arm, and if you make a statement and they are strong, then that’s a true statement.

So we’re the statements that you’re talking us specifically, or like a true or false… Yes or no, yes. We’re looking for a black and white kind of answer from the physical body as to what’s going on in this area that you’re asking, can you give a couple examples of the types of questions that you would… Or the statements that you would make…

Okay, so Would, I can make the statement to the body, the liver is functioning at 100%. Okay, and so if the rank arm is rock solid, then the liver is functioning at 100%.

Which means it’s a true statement. Right, that’s a true statement. And if the liver is not functioning at a 100%

And not in Utah, I have to figure out, then I further travel that question and go figure out what is wrong with the liver. Okay, so if it is week in the liver as a strong functioning 100%, I move on, the liver may be involved later on down the line, and what I find out, but at that point, I don’t need that information. So then I usually just assess the body first to see what organs and glands are malfunctioning, and so then once I get that information, then I hone in and figure out what is going on with that organ gland and or nervous system or whatever… Whatever system we might be out of balance.

Are you randomly asking these questions or do you have a checklist you’re going down in your mind, you’re on a sheet, a pace?

I usually have a checklist, I start at the Pine bland, I usually work on the head first, all the glands that are in the head and assess them and see what’s going on, then I had to the thyroid, and then circulation, ribs. I just work my way down and assess all of that and see what’s going on, and I make note of all of that, because a lot of times there’s a story to… That is depending on what’s going on in the brain. If there’s something going on in the brain that could be what’s affecting the other parts that are weak.

So if a person shows up with pain, knee pain, neck pain, whatever type of pain they have, is your checklist the same… Are you doing the same checklist, Are you going specifically in that area of the body in…

Well, the initial visit, I scan the whole body, find out what’s functioning at 100%, what isn’t, and then when they come in with a specific situation, then I look and see those organs and glands that are weak, they… Are they what’s causing some of this problem? Alright, and so then I start assessing and evaluating that, so I can make statements to the body and say, You know that What are drinking, ’cause I always check what foods people are eating because that can affect the body, so I’ll say… So this soda is affecting the liver, okay, and if I get a true statement, then I go, Okay, well, now what we gotta do is figure out what to do with his soda, ’cause most people are highly addicted to soda… Sure, work on a process to start eliminating those sodas, sometimes it’s another organ or gland that is affecting… Okay, the thyroid, when it’s functioning, low affects a whole lot of the other body, so I also look at that too, because if the thyroid is functioning low, we’ll have to work with that and get that balanced. So when I set the thyroid, I check to see if it’s the right, the left lobe.

That’s being effective. And what is affecting it, is it the fact that it doesn’t have enough nutrients to support it, and if it doesn’t have enough nutrients that we find out what is the nutrients it needs? Supported with, so then that may be a supplement like help Cath is very good for the thyroid, so muscle test them with the coup to see at the thyroid point to see if that’s strong, if it’s strong, then that’s a good supplement for them to take. So if it’s strong, but kind of week, I go, Okay, well, that’s not exactly what we need, so I may look for another seaweed called dolls, which is very good for the thyroid to… And I may test that one, I may get to a point where there are what’s called glandular, and sometimes people’s thyroid just need a kick start with a glandular ’cause the glandular has the frequency to teach the thyroid function better, so I will put that granular in there, and test them with that and see if that’s what they need, sometimes they need to start out with that, and then we can reduce that to the dolls or the count, just to feed it.

So you’re doing this in person when you’re working with a client and you have… What a I asking… You have help adults, and you have all of these things in… What does this look like? So a person that’s listening can get the wrap their brain around what we’re talking about, or this person is sitting in front of you standing in front of you, and.

A… Now they’re sitting in front of me. Okay.

Sitting in front of you?

Yeah, yeah, so I have switchers ‘chairs I’m always turning them around, are gonna be working on their back at times, so I have them in a swivel chair and I’m just just going, scanning their body down through and testing, and then the correction is on the back, then I spend them around and I go down the spine, and I use my hands, all I do is stimulate on either side of the spine at where the points are, whether it’s thoracic to thoracic five throughout a gate, I just stimulate by manipulating the spine at that area, and that wakes up the nerves too, and so then I’ll turn them back around and then I must custom again in the liver area and see, and if they’re strong, then I corrected the magnetic, the bill that was out of balance. And so if they’re still not strong, then I need to see, okay, what else is going on? So, okay, that’s when I’ll maybe pull out some supplements, especially if the thyroid is functioning at 100% and and or if it’s not functioning 100%, and I do their spine and I come back and see it’s functioning at 100%.

So there was a blockage in the spine that was preventing the thyroid from getting what it needed to function right, so then if that’s not the case though, if I do that and it’s a rare still functioning week, then then I’ll check the supposed… Touch another organ gland because maybe that’s affecting the thin… It’s a tricky thing, it’s knowing about the body and what all the organs and glands are, and then I’m just basically sending them in a chair and working and spinning them and working on their spine or working on the front… Whatever it needs to be done. But it’s all like touch, it’s nothing. There is no force at all whatsoever, right, it’s likely stimulating the spine.

So initially, you’re going to do something to stimulate to bring the body back into balance, and if whatever you would do to bring the body back into balance doesn’t work, now we’re looking at a supplement or a homeopathic or something like that, or that way, or a treatment. Could you explain the.

Trees… So then I would start looking and seeing, is it structural? So if it’s structural, then I’m going to work on the structure. Alright, so I ascertain that when I get a weakness, then I am saying saying to their body, this is Because Artis is because of a structural issue, this is a dietary issue, this is a vitamin deficiency issue, so I make those statements and that can tell me where to go… And I can say this is the first thing that the body needs to address this problem is a supplement, and if that’s what it is that I do, I’ve kind of… Rather than doing a whole lot of work, I started putting a whole lot of statements in so that I can hone it down, and I’m not stressing the body out a lot.

Got it. This is all incredibly fascinating, so now we’re going to take it to the whole other level of what we’re moving in the direction of at the comella foundation, and you working in partnership with the comella Foundation is creating essentially a portal on how we can use this muscle testing remotely, right now. I could just hear the people that are listening… Are they gonna do that? So how does the muscle testing work ’cause you could zip right through a person’s body, we could zero in on exactly what they need to get help and support. How does that work? When a person is not in front of you.

I can still hone in on their electro-magnetic field, I mean, there’s nothing that contains our electro-magnetic field, it is out there, and so you have a footprint on this earth, you’re magnetic field, your specific magnetic field has a footprint on this earth. And so everybody has that, and you can actually tap into that from a distance by muscle testing. Okay, so when you connect with somebody, whether it be visual, whether it be on the phone, okay, you can even think about them, and sometimes… This is a good analogy. All of a sudden you’ll be thinking about somebody, alright, and you really… You’re thinking a lot about them and wondering about them and stuff, and then all of a sudden they call you on the phone… I know everybody’s had that happen. Okay, that’s part of this, that’s what this whole field is all about. We are all connected energetically. Okay, and so we can tap into that energy field from a distance, so I can assess and evaluate from a distance what is going on with somebody else on a screen, on a phone, and figure out what is going on with them now, usually what I do and it depends on the person I’m working with, because sometimes I’m working with people who can’t treat themselves, so what I do is I treat it myself and send it to them.

Got it. Now, what pops into my head is when I was watching the movie Apollo 13, and there was that time in the movie… Well, this happened in real life as well, where the astronauts were on the dark side of the moon and they lost communication, and then everybody on earth knew this was happening, and they were praying for it that the astronauts that they would be safe… That they would make it through. And that happened. So what I hear you saying is more of a universal principle of how we can connect with one another with intention and focus and good thoughts and things such as that, that this is… When you’re working with someone, you’re looking at them either on Zoom or you’re talking with them on the phone, or they sent you an email, and what you need to do, who you need to work with, that is something you can do either one of those ways are all three of those email, email, email. Zoom or a phone call, correct. Okay, so I am envisioning and I didn’t realize about the email piece, if a person was reaching out, and so the vision we had for the portal with the comella Foundation is that they could reach out to you and you can basically go through the list of people that I have interviewed on the podcast to know what they’re dealing with, whatever pain that person is dealing with, you would be able to, through the muscle testing, line them up with the specific practitioner that is partnering with the camel, a foundation that would be able to help them the most.

Right, right, because really my connection, when I make that connection with them, whether it be by mail, like you said, whether it’s by talking to me, I’m connected with them so I can muscle test from a distance and muscle test them what the practitioners listed… Yes, and be able to find which one would be the one for them to start with, I mean, they may start with one practitioner and then they usually will know when they’re done with that practitioner and the no-contact, and they can contact me again and say, Okay, I’m pretty sure or I can ask me, am I done with this practitioner as this practice has taken me as far as he or she can take me, and then I can ascertain that and then move them on to the next person. If there is the next person, that’s the way I look at this whole journey in healing, it’s a process is gonna be always different people coming in and out of your life, it’s not a… I was upset with any of the practitioners that had taken me so far, I didn’t leave them ’cause I was angry with him, I left them because they did what they were supposed to do, they did their job for me, so lined to move to the next practitioner so that they can take the job from there and take it further…

Move me to the next level that I need to be at.

So if someone were to reach out to you via email, and I’m thinking This would totally get us over the whole technology home… Yes, that if someone were to send you an email and they were to say, Hey, what ward they need to put in that email to get to you, so you would be able to muscle test on their behalf to identify which one of the practitioners affiliated with the cameo foundation would be able to help them the most.

They would need to… I would need their name specifically… Okay. Their name, I would like… For me personally, I would like to have the age, so that helps me… And that’s pretty much it. Okay, if they want to tell me what’s going on with them, they can, or if they just wanna know what practitioner and they may need… They know what they’re looking for. I don’t really have to know it, as long as they know what they’re looking for, I can leave them a sting from a distance to see who is the practitioner they need to work with, so they could just be like, well, I’m looking for who would help me the most… Yes.

That would be it. We don’t have to get more into detail, I’m looking for someone to help my… Right, big toe nail. Like, you know, we don’t need to know that. We just need to know, Oh, I need help. I’m limping, I need… Who’s gonna help me the most?

Right, because it could be somebody who does emotional work that may help with that limping, that may be the first place to go, releasing, being released from whatever causes them to limp emotionally. So we just automatically look at our bodies in a certain way and think we need to follow this procedure because that’s basically what we’ve been taught in the system, and so that may not be the case, there may be some other reason why something is happening into the body…

Well, certainly, it’s been my own experience that the body is much more nuanced than like, Oh, I just need a nutritional program, or I need a physical program, or I need a emotional something to support me, or supplementation, I just need… What supplements do I need to take? So it’s much more nuanced in that in what I hear you saying is we can, instead of trying to figure out what that is yourself, we can reach out to you and you can go… That right there. Yeah, and that is going to move you forward most based on the time that you sent that email.

Right, that’s the thing too, based on that time, because you can have a symptom one day and the next day it’s gone, something that the body is amazing, it can take care of things, and sometimes it doesn’t take care of things right away, so…

What would you say to someone that is skeptical about like… I don’t know. That’s weird. That’s hokey. That’s… What would you say to someone? I.

Would say, yeah, I agree with you. It does look weird. It is semi-seems kind of hokey. All I know is that if I didn’t get into this field, if I wouldn’t have been in that automobile accident, I would not have been in this field, and I would not be where I am today, and it’s all because of knowing that my body knows what it needs to do, I don’t need to know what it needs to do, the body does, and so if I can assess, access what the body says it needs done first, my journey could have been shortened because of the… And that’s what happens with me now, when I work with people, I get through people, if not taking them 37 years to get to where I’m at, so it’s taking them a lot less because I have this experience and now I know how to work with people and get them to where they need to be faster.

Now, in addition to… ’cause we were envisioning this portal as being maybe a five-minute something or other… You would have the list of the people that I’ve interviewed. You would have… You would have that ability to listen to the podcast, the interview with them, as well as reach out to them directly to say, Hey, yeah, I just like to get to know you a little better, so I have an understanding of how we can guide and direct people. To you, this individual practitioner, we have that envision of that portal piece, it would be a short, short thing to point them in the right direction, but they also have the ability to work with you directly. Yes, yes, so we will have that available for them as well, where they can schedule a time to book an appointment of consultation to work directly with you, so you would take them through to that checklist, that series. And you would be able to help and guide and support them with the muscle testing in the context of a longer appointment or a longer… More extensive support.

And that’s what I do when I work with them, is I also get a lot of information from them too, because that does help in the directions that I feel I need to go with the many years I’ve been doing this, this is what I’ve learned. And so just by getting their information, I automatically know where I need to start, and I will use test them to make sure that that is correct you to start. But yeah, it’s very… It’s really rather simple. It’s not real complicated, and people are amazed when they come and get worked on and how things change in their life.

Would… And this is occurring to me because the interviews that I’m doing where the coal Foundation is located in Western North Carolina, in the Asheville area. And there are some people that we are interviewing on the podcast that are local to the Ashville area, if someone is reaching out and we can get all of that set up in a form that can be emailed to you, so we would have their name first and last name, we would have their age, which would be optional, would their location play any role in information that you would need to know?

It’s not something I would need to know. I just work on the fact that I like having information because the area that they’re living in depending could have some play in why they’re physically or emotionally or whatever, experiencing things, plus it just gives me… When I’m giving direction as to what I have been led to tell them where they need to go and what they need to do, that just helps me to know… For instance, like you live in a warmer state and I visiting that can help me know better what to tell them to do, and for instance, they can get outside and do anything, any time of year, I’ve got to deal with winters in bitter, bitter cold. So sometimes getting outside and getting fresh air even in the winter is beneficial, but just knowing the area just… It can be helpful, but it’s not necessary. Because eventually, I’ll find that out. Anyways, when I’m talking with them, when I come up with what I feel they need to do, then I’m gonna go, what are you in? So I know whether…

Right, and that would be if they were working with you in the context of a consultation, I’m thinking of the portal piece too quick, like you’re doing the muscle testing remotely to kind of guide and direct them, who’s gonna be able to help them do right now, so I’m thinking this through, that if they put in their location, would that be beneficial in any way…

Well, it would be to a degree, because then if there’s somebody in that area that they could be sent to a for their next treatment or not next… With our next session, okay, with where the body wants to go next, there may be somebody in that area and they can just go directly face-to-face because partition, we’re now getting more involved in doing computer techniques or not techniques, but getting on the computer and finding people that are gonna be beneficial in whatever field, whether it’s medical or whether it’s natural or whatever, we’re getting more comfortable with that these days, but there are people who would rather just… Would rather go to somebody. So I’m that person, if I can work with somebody in person, I prefer to work in person rather than remotely, but I’m getting on to this one to me since covid… SOI.

Covid… So I’m just thinking this through how to guide our web people to set this up, because I think that would be infinitely easier if you just received an email and be able to knock that out rather than figuring out all of the… Zoom and scheduling and all that kind of stuff that you would be… They would be able to send… Come to the website, go to the portal, fill out the information they need it, and it goes to you, you can do what your thing is, and you can reply to them, and then they would be able to have the link for that specific practitioner. Yes, listen to the interview I did with them. And then they’re on their way. They’re getting the support that they need. Cool. Yeah. Gee, is there anything else that you’re looking over, ’cause we made some bullet points to cover on the call today, is there anything that’s popping into your head that I didn’t cover that you would like to talk about? ’cause I’m kinda getting a sense that We’re… It feels kind of complete, like we got kinda do a good place.

Yes, yes. We did get into a good place. And what was shared is, I think when you’re in this kind of field and when you start in this kind of field and everybody… You have those people out there who really attack you, they attack you verbally, and you learn to deal with that also, and I had the experience of working for seven years for some doctors, some medical doctors who worked naturally with hormones, and they invited me to come into their practice, and that was a very, very interesting journey. The one thing I learned on that journey, which I knew I was going there to learn, and so the one thing that was so beneficial for me to learn was the fact that they were sending me clients and there on their chart was these letters like Mt. HR, and I saw that and I thought, Okay, I gotta research this because I’m working on these people, I need to know a little bit more about this, and here I found out it was a genetic defect, and so through finding that out, I thought, Oh, okay, so this makes things a little different. I wasn’t sure how, but basically it only made a difference as far as how to test them for supplements, so making sure they get the appropriate supplements, and that would be with any of the genetic defects that I’m familiar with now.

Because then I started doing research on genetic defects and… But what I did find out was that I started muscle testing for these genetic defects, which was quite interested… Interesting. And ended up, they would send me a client and I would automatically test them right away to see if they had a genetic defect, and they would… And so then I would send them back to the doctor that sent them to me and I would say, Okay, this proposal… Use the example, THF-R. And so you may want to test that because that one is really important because if you have a genetic defect with THF that can cause heart attack strokes and blood clots, and… So the doctors have to be aware that any certain types of supplements that they give, the medication, that has to be able to be dealt with a defective methylation process in the body, so… Anyways, that was very interesting to find out. So the head doctor, she was funny, I would send… I give her and talked to her actually, ’cause I worked in the same office and when that client would leave, I would say, Hey look, you really need to test physically MTF on the CF, this person has this genetic defect, and so then she would…

While she dubbed it, the fact that it got to the point where if she suspected somebody had it rather than have a blood test done, she would just send them to me and I could test them, and if she wanted to, she had chest just to see and she found out that through the muscle testing, it was 100% correct. Oh.

Wow, cool. I didn’t even know about that. Yeah.

And what’s really neat is I found out that I have the THF gene defect. So my mother had had five heart attacks, and the first heart attack, she was hospitalized for three months, and I did not know this information at the time, but now that I look back at that, they were probably gave her… Because they couldn’t figure out that it was supposed to be a simple surgery, they couldn’t figure out why she did not… Why she was responding the way she was, and now with… I look back at that situation and realized the medication, ’cause I told them She was very sensitive to medication and told him you have to get her off some of this medication, she can’t take all this, just put on what she actually has to have… She eventually came through that surgery, and it was later on that I learned about the MTF… She has the Tate MPH FR gene. That’s where I got it from. And.

So then I started connecting with my siblings and finding out which one of them have the MPH free, and making sure that they were on the appropriate supplements to keep them and to prevent them from having heart attacks, blood clots and strokes. So yeah, so the muscle testing can be a preventative measure, also finding out something like that and determining what you need to do to help for you running into the same health issues that… Exactly. Members of an anti. Sure. That was cool. Yeah, I’m learning so much more about you and I’ve known you for years. Cool. Well, Jeanie, it’s been an absolute pleasure. This has been fun.

Yeah, thank you.

Yeah, are you getting over the jitters?

I didn’t really have them with fumbling for words just basically because I’ve never done this before, I had to see a in front of a computer and explain everything about me. So I got more comfortable with it as it went along. Excellent.

Okay, well, cool. Well, we’re gonna have all information in the show notes as well as a button down below where people can go and fill out the information to send you the form, the chuck and muscle test them and reply to them and give them the what for the direction they need to go. Alright, that was good. I wanna thank you so much for being here. It’s been an absolute pleasure. This was super fun. And do you have anything else you would like to share? Right before we wrap up here.

I don’t know if it’s something I need to share now or with you afterwards… Okay, well, it has to do with connecting with me ’cause I can’t do this 247…

Oh, understood. Yeah, we’ll be good. It’ll be fine. We could turn off the water valve at any point in time, or turn on, or turn up or turn down whatever we can, and I’m sure you know other people, they do muscle testing as well, correct? Yes, I do. Okay, well, cool. It’ll be all good. Okay, well then I’m gonna wrap the call up, this is… Well, the pain education podcast, brought to you on behalf of the Comella Foundation. This is Bill Parravano, the knee pain guru. Thanking you so much for being here. Thank you, Jeanie. And I wanna wish you and everyone else watching to have a wonderful day. And we will see you on the next one. Sounds good.

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